

What it is and what it is not?

    Written by:Javeria Khan    Date: March 8 2024


A lot of people have found comfort in different beliefs and one of those could be nihilism. The founder of this concept is said to be Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743- 1819). He used this term to counter existentialism. He laid the ground work for nihilism. 

Then Ivan  Turgenev a Russian novelist,  used this term in his novel Fathers and Sons. He extensively write about political changes in Russia. He lacked religious interest and was considered an agnostic. The theme of fathers and sons, which supported nihilistic views was, the character of Bazarov. Who rejects his family tradition, religion and past. 

The Yevgeny Nazarov was a flag bearer of nihilism, he only believed in his professional faith as a doctor.

What is Nihilism?

Nil means zero or nothing. Nihilism believes that everything is baseless,and that  we don't have any profound purpose in life. There is no meaning in life. Nothing is created on purpose. The meaning is created by people. We are born and then we will die, it doesn't matter who is our family, legacy, possession; eventually all will die. It is irrational to find logic behind everything. The nihilist rejects the presence of God and considered al religions as man- made and illogical. 

Types of Nihilism.

1: Existential Nihilism.
2: Moral Nihilism.
3: Epistemological Nihilism.
4: Political Nihilism.
5: Cosmic Nihilism
6: Medical Nihilism.

Among all the types existential and moral nihilism are widely used. Nihilism is often encountered with a paradox such as, the fact that nihilism literally means believing in nothing so, they believe in something that is nothing. This contradicts the statement about nihilism.
The case of nihilism is important to discuss because of the growth of nihilism  This philosophy has overtaken Europe.

Theories of Nihilism.

1: Existential Nihilism

This concept araised in oppose to the existentialism that life is devoid of meaning we are not chosen for any thing. We are born and will die. life is what you make it. It is often associated with negative feeling and darkness. They find lack of purpose in life and consider it meaningless. Nihilism is not associated with pessimism, but it's a philosophy that suggests, life is what you make of it. Albert Camus the father of absurdism called it,"only serious problem in philosophy". 

2: Moral Existentialism.

It represents the faith of lack of faith in good and evil. Nihilism says its just the difference of opinion that make one thing good in one' s perspective and bad in other. 
It denied the religion and cultural moral system. We all create our own definition of morally wrong and right. In this world everything is morally permissible. Atheist follow this faith and nihilism are often said to be atheist. 

3: Epistemological Nihilism.

It is a form of skepticism, applied to current knowledge and physical facts, dismissing them as mere opinions or theories. One might notice that the laws  we have been studying such as the Laws of physics are now being questioned in the context of extraterrestrial conditions. The Einstein theory of relativity is also under a scrutiny.

4: Political Nihilism.

They believe that the current political system is so corrupt it should be dismantled through revolution, assassination and terrorism. The ideology of nihilists is to clear the ground first, then construct a better system. Individuals who had  experienced  political injustice may adopt unlawful methods to seek justice. They don't have clear vision of how they going to rebuild the authority. Their ideology is vague and ambiguous.

3: Cosmic Nihilism.

Nothing in the cosmic universe is real. Whatever exists will die eventually. The sun will  come so close to the earth that the whole earth will burn down. The universe will collapse. The God had no purpose for creating the universe; it's just some atoms that happened to collide  and big bang! Here we are. There is no point in taking care of environment when the whole earth will die. The planets are just unintelligent rotating bodies revolving in their orbit. Exploring the universe wouldn't provide us with meaning and purpose. 

4. Medical Nihilism. 

The skepticism applied to the field of medical science. medicine is not a science. The research outcomes are influenced by politics, funding, propaganda etc. The medical studies are often slanderous for being partial, neglecting the reasoning and manipulating the outcomes for personal benefits. It is a controversial statement. Which weakens the trust of people in medicine.
The drugs that used to be considered golden standard for some disease are now being replaced due to its colossal side effects. As for barbiturates in 1900 it was considered a one- line drug for treating depression and anxiety but there are many cases reported in which the dead of the person who uses barbiturates occurs. Now it's been replaced with benzodiazipine but we still can't give a clean chit to this drug.

Nietzsche Warned of "nihilistic crisis".

Nietzsche warned of "nihilistic crisis".
I mentioned in my previous blog the prediction of Nietzsche about nihilism. He wrote," What I relate is the history of the next two centuries. I describe what is coming, what can no longer come differently: the advent of nihilism".( The will to power).
To know about the outburst of nihilism in Europe and America, we have to turn to the insight of Friedrich Nietzsche. He criticized Christianity values saying that they don't  provide the right path and meaning to life. The teaching of Christianity are against human nature and this reason will derive people away from religion and God. The religion was being undermined by the age of enlightenment brought about by scientific rationality. 

The Christianity failed to counter the scientific reasoning because the faith it gives to its follower is itself a lesser form of nihilism 

Nietzsche wrote in the book The Spoke Zarathustra," Alas, the time is coming when man will no longer give birth to a star. Alas! the time of the most despicable man is coming he that is no longer able to despise himself. Behold, I show you the last man, "what is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is creation? What is a star?. Thus ask the last man and he blinks.

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